Monday, March 16, 2015

Time to get NUDE!


Not your average business catch-cry, admittedly, but then again, there’s nothing average about N.U.D.E. Marketing.

With over 50 years of marketing and business experience, N.U.D.E. can provide your business with solutions to issues ranging from improved marketing returns to increased employee productivity.

The N.U.D.E. brand came from listening carefully to what businesses constantly ask for -  solutions that are New Uncomplicated Different and Effective.  That’s what we provide. We achieve this by turning intelligence into relevance, for your business, your staff and your customers. We take a channel-neutral approach to finding solutions. After all, channel selection is only a relevant consideration once the audience has been identified, and digital delivery is not necessarily the answer to every communication task – the audience dictates the channel.

Kym McInerney has been managing director of several of Melbourne’s largest Customer Relationship Management agencies (CMC, Grey Direct & EWA) and has worked with businesses including Myer Grace Bros, Honda, Officeworks, Telstra, ANZ Bank, Integrated Packaging, Mobil, Ford, Sancella, Blood Bank, World Vision, TAC, OfficeLife, GN Netcom, McMillan Shakespeare, Roundhouse Entertainment, PROV, RACV, Heidelberg, Monash University, Reclink, Stem Cells Australia, Cenitex, GTAC and many more. His key strengths are strategic planning & facilitation, customer engagement and communications effectiveness audits, creative development and leadership/management coaching.

Kim Gasperino has extensive experience in retail and business marketing including customer segmentation, brand-building and customer communications. Kim also provides individualised programs designed to improve employee productivity. This experience has been gained over 20 years through working in and with businesses such as Target, CML corporate, Ford, Roundhouse Entertainment, EWA Australia, Cenitex, Reclink, MS Society, Ozchild, SANDS Australia and the Public Record Office of Victoria.

Services offered by N.U.D.E. Marketing:
·        Marketing effectiveness audits/review.
·        Customer segmentation analysis – strategy & development.
·        Business and Marketing Plan development.
·        New business pitch facilitation.
·        Brand and customer communications – development & execution.
·        Stakeholder/Staff communications.
·        Corporate memory documentation.
·        Leadership Coaching & process improvement facilitation for employees.

For further information or an initial 30-minute discussion on how N.U.D.E. Marketing can help your business prosper, contact Kym McInerney or Kim Gasperino on 03 9587 2404 or visit

We look forward to helping you build your business.

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